The calling of a parent is to love your child and do everything you can for their well being
and sometimes that thing is to
entrust someone else to raise them.
Life doesn’t always go according to plan, we understand that. The idea of having a child before you’re ready is daunting. But what’s beautiful is that in the midst of all this, there is possibility and hope for this child’s life. You might be scared or confused, trying to navigate next steps. We get it, we understand, and we’re here for you. Whatever has been said up until now, we’re saying what’s true: you are brave for thinking of this child.
Choosing to place your child into a family where the life you envision for them is possible - it’s hard and brave and courageous and loving. We’re here to walk with you every step of the way. Through the pregnancy, during the birth, helping choose adoptive parents, placing your child in their care, and navigating life afterwards. As long as you need us, we’re here to guide you, answer your questions, and support you in whatever way we can to help you make the best possible choice for you and your child.

“They (the adoptive family) invited me to see my baby;
it was the greatest gift anyone could have ever given me"
We are 100% committed to you and your child and will always make your child’s well being our top priority. We are a “child-first” & “parent-led” adoption agency which means…
Your child’s needs and well being always come first. We never compromise on this and have careful procedures and policies in place to protect the child at every stage.
We put you in the driver's seat, allowing you to decide how fast you want to move and how you want things to work. We’ll never pressure you or ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. You are in charge. Not us. Not the adoptive parents. You. We work on your behalf and empower you with the tools, resources, and knowledge to make the best choices possible.
How it works
Once you get in touch with us, we will connect you with one of our birth parent counselors from across the province, depending on your location. They will walk with you through your hopes and fears and will go through your options with you. Once you are at a place where you feel comfortable moving forward, if you choose adoption for your child, you will then be shown profiles of fully screened and trained adoptive families for you to consider.
If you are able to narrow it down to one or two families, a meeting time will be scheduled for you to meet the family, ask any questions, voice any concerns, and see how you feel about them. Depending on how far along in the pregnancy you are (or if the child is already born), subsequent visits are scheduled to make sure that everyone feels it is a good fit and there is clarity around openness, etc. Prior to the birth, you also have an opportunity to make a hospital or birthing plan, including choosing who you would like to be present and how we can best support you through the process. Once you sign consent for the adoption, the child goes into the care of the adoptive family. There is a 10 day revocation period where you are able to carefully consider your choice. You have the option of changing your mind at any time during that period. After that time , we continue to be available to you for follow up support and assisting in ongoing visits and contact as needed.

“I have no regrets and I thank God that
He led me to these wonderful caring people"
Why open adoption?
The majority of birth families we meet with have a desire to know how their child is doing after placement, and even have an ongoing relationship with them. Through both our own experience and recent research we know this is best for the child. As they grow it is critical to discovering who they are, their adoption story, and for the many people around them (both biological and adopted) that love them and want the best for them. As a result, unless otherwise indicated by the birth family, all domestic adoptions through our agency are open adoptions, where there is ongoing visits and contact between the biological family and the adoptive family.
This is something that is pre-discussed and agreed upon prior to the placement of the child. It is based on the wishes of the birth parent(s) as well as other more logistical pieces, such as distance and scheduling. All of our domestic families are carefully screened, trained, and supported around the importance of open adoption and are not accepted into our program if they do not feel they can follow through in this area.
Our promise.
Our desire is that every person that comes to us for support feels respected, empowered, supported, and never judged. Because of this, we make the following promises to every expectant parent or birth parent(s) that we come into contact with:
We will always respect and honor you as the parent of your child with their best interests in mind
We will always be transparent and honest with our information, always presenting every option and supporting you regardless of what you choose
We promise to be collaborative and work with whoever you see to be a supportive or helpful resource in your life
We promise to be inclusive and loving, always operating without judgement and never shaming or secret-keeping
We promise to always work tirelessly and passionately to ensure that every child placed through our agency has the best possible family to grow up in
Adoption options.
As you face an unplanned pregnancy, you may be unsure as to what your options are. This can be a very scary and overwhelming time, but we would love to come alongside you to support you, give you more information about your options, and guide you through whatever decision you decide to make. If adoption is not the right fit for you, we are committed to connecting you with resources and support to ensure that you receive what you need to feel that you can parent successfully.
How we care for you.
Choosing adoption for your child is an incredibly selfless and loving choice as it involves a decision to experience heartache and loss in order to provide your child with the life you envision for them. We understand how difficult this journey can be and only desire to come alongside you, care for you, empower you with information, and support whatever decision you make. We want to arm you with enough information to feel like you can make the best possible decision for yourself and your baby, and then walk with you through that without judgment, and with honesty and transparency.
Your initial contact with our staff will be to book an adoption options sessions with one of our birth parent counselors. They will explore your options with you in an open and non-judgmental way. They will allow you to take whatever time you need to come to the best possible decision for you, and will support you along the way.
If you choose to move forward with an adoption plan, you will be shown profiles of screened and trained adoptive families that fit your criteria. If you are not excited about the families you are shown, we will continue to walk with you until you feel comfortable with one of them.
Once you have chosen your family, our social worker will arrange and facilitate a meeting with you and the family. As with every part of the process, we aim for this to happen on a timeline that is comfortable for you. After as many visits as you need, if you decide to move forward, a birth plan will be completed that indicates your desires. You may choose to have the adoptive family present for the birth, or may desire more time and space to process on your own or with your support system. Many birth parents choose to write a letter to their child at this time or have a ceremony to honor the choice they are making. Whatever you choose, know that with respect and care, we are happy to be with you every step of the way.
The adjustment period after the placement of a child can be a very emotional and difficult time. Although you may believe you have made the right decision for your child, there is very real grief and loss that usually occurs once the child has been placed. We are committed to continuing to walk with you through this difficult time and ensuring that you have the right support and resources you need. Know that you are allowed to be both happy and sad at the same time and there is no set time limit for when you are expected to ‘feel better’. This is also the time where you will begin to have emails or texts with pictures and updates, as well as get into a rhythm with the family around in person visits and ongoing contact. Although this looks different for every family, we are committed to continuing to work with everyone to ensure the best interests of all involved.
“I am happy with my decision, but also sad at times,
but I still see her and I feel better knowing how much she is loved."
Have questions?
What are my options?
When you connect with our agency, we will set you up with a counselor who will go through all of your options with you, including parenting, adoption, and termination of the pregnancy. We will be open and honest about the known pros, cons, and challenges of each option and will walk with you through whatever you decide as long as you would like us involved.
What are the costs to me?
There are absolutely no costs to birth or biological parents considering making an adoption plan for their child.
What types of families are available?
At Amaris, we pride ourselves in having a huge diversity of families from all backgrounds. With our only priority being that each family is carefully assessed for safety, health, and the ability to manage an adopted child in their home. The only other stipulation is that they must be willing to move forward with an open adoption placement and all our families are carefully screened and trained with this in mind.
How much information will be exchanged between myself and the adoptive family?
Throughout the whole adoption process, you as the birth or biological parent are in control This includes how much information you would like us to share with the adoptive family about yourself and your history. With that being said, the more thorough and accurate the information we can give to the family, the better it is in everyone making the best decision possible in moving forward. It is especially important that things like exposure to drugs or alcohol in pregnancy is disclosed so that the adoptive family only commits to what they are able to parent effectively.
How do I tell people I am pregnant and considering adoption?
We understand that often with an unplanned pregnancy the road ahead can feel scary and overwhelming. We will walk with you through these feelings and support you in the timing and way that you indicate you would like to share with people. We feel it is important for those around you to understand that you are not considering "giving up your child for adoption" as much as you are making a loving and selfless plan for your child. It takes an incredible amount of courage to recognize when we may not be the best choice to raise our child.