Weaving families together,
because every child matters
Not every child knows the love of family and not every family is able to give a child the love they need. We believe every child is worthy of the support, encouragement, nurturing, and unconditional love that a permanent family provides. Our heart is to make this a reality for every child, teen, and young adult.
We partner with Albertans like you to weave families together from the threads of brokenness and hope so that children can have the opportunity to live the life they were created to live.
Adopting Parents
Considering growing your family through adoption?
Expecting Parents
Considering making an adoption plan for your baby?
Family Support
Looking for resources, courses, counseling, or programs to support your family?
Not your typical
adoption agency
Our love for children and passion to see them experience the beauty of family drive us to great lengths to see as many of them as possible find a permanent home.
We’re different because of how much we care and because we’re willing to take on the hard cases...the ones that others pass over...like children with special needs, older kids, and sibling groups. We focus on the child first and put expecting and adopting parents in the driver’s seat, empowering them to lead the process with us as their adoption guide.